1. 時局不安,請為世界和平禱告,願上帝的公義與慈愛彰顯人間。
2. 加拿大國會,正在處理兩條跟同性戀議題有關的草案。其一可能會重新定義婚姻,可能會將同性婚姻納入定義之內。其二關乎「仇恨意識」,甚至可能會將「引用聖經論同性戀的經文」也判為仇恨罪行。若這兩條草案成為法例,便很可能會嚴重地影響傳統家庭制度和基督徒宣講聖經原則的自由。請信徒切切為此祈禱,願神的旨意運行在地上如同在天上。
1. The world is in turmoil. We need to pray for world peace. May the justice and mercy of God reign among the nations.
2. The Federal Parliament is at present dealing with two bills related to homosexuality. The first might change the definition of marriage by including same sex marriage. The second is about “hatred”, by which quoting scriptures about homosexuality could be accused. If these two bills become laws, “traditional family system” and “freedom of Christian teaching” might be seriously affected. Be sure to remember these in your prayers. May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.